To celebrate seven years of Soulection, co-founder Andre Power put together a mix full of tracks from their catalog, from 2011 til now. He selected tracks from Soulection’s most recent releases and went back in time, in chronological order from present til the beginning. More than 1 hour of good vibes by Abjo, Atu, Chris McClenney, DKVPZ, Dpat, Esta, Evil Needle, Iamnobodi, Insightful, Jarreau Vandal, J-Louis, Lakim, Melodiesinfonie, Monte Booker, Sango, StarRo, Ta-Ku and all the other ambassadors of The Sound Of Tomorrow. Full tracklist available here.
Listen to the full mix above and head over to soulection.com to dig in to Soulection’s full discogrpahy.
If you’re from around Brooklyn,NY, be sure to join the Soulection fam Saturday, January 13, 2018 for their 7 Year anniversary event at Brooklyn Steel.