Soulection reached 200k followers on Soundcloud and to celebrate this milestone they released their highly anticipated Sade tribute album “Love Is King”. More than a year ago they already mentioned working on a compilation with music inspired by and dedicated to the queen of soulful music. Now we finally have the pleasure to listen to it.
With 12 tracks by the likes of J-Louis, AbJo, Esta, Lakim, Chris McClenney, PYRMDPLAZA & Singularis this album is not only for fans of Sade Adu but also for everybody who’s into the chilled and futuristic sound Soulection stands for. Do yourself a favor and grab this Free Download! 😉
Btw on soulection.com you can now download their entire discography for free (within the next 24 hours) and everything on their online store is 20% off with the code: soulection200k